Real estate agent, transform your feed and create an aesthetic graphic in a minutes, just with drag & drop

60 posts fully customizable templates for Canva

Testimonials from people who have already purchased

Guarantee now! lifetime access​

My name is Josy Santos, I’m 26 years old and I’m the founder of Mulher Influente I am an entrepreneur and passionate about Design and Digital Marketing. I’ve been working in the area for 6 years now, and thinking about women like me who need to stand out on social networks, with a well-organized, beautiful and professional profile, I created this Pack of Templates with content ready and easy to edit, and of course, everything made with lots of love! Hope you like!



Yes, all templates are editable from both mobile and computer
Yes, it works both in the free version and in the pro version of the app. All you need is to create your Canva account before getting started.

You will receive it in the email you registered at the time of purchase. It is sent by Hotmart a few minutes after payment confirmation.

Access is lifetime. Once you purchase your Canva Pack once, it will be saved in your Canva Login. We recommend that you save it in a folder so you don’t lose it.

Yes, because the templates are very easy to edit.

It’s a package of editable templates in canva to publish on your social networks


Yes, any questions we are ready to assist you.


The Real Estate Pack has a 7-day guarantee, so you can buy with peace of mind. You can cancel your purchase if you are not satisfied with our products.

Fale conosco:

No information contained in this product should be construed as a claim to achieve results. Any reference to the past or potential performance of a strategy discussed in the content is not, and should not be construed as a recommendation or guarantee of any specific result.​

Copyright 2021 – Mulher Influente – All Rights Reserved.


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